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Thursday 27th February, 12pm - 1pm

Introductions are the theme for this session, with Max Hopkinson sharing why they're so important, and how to master them. Becca Lamb will be hosting.

Thursday 13th March, 12pm - 1pm

Join us for speaking & communications tips and lots of practice opportunities in a safe, friendly space.

Thursday 27th March, 12pm - 1pm

Tips, practice & support on all things speaking.

Thursday 10th April, 12pm - 1pm

Public speaking practice in a safe, friendly space!

Thursday 24th April, 12pm - 1pm

Come along for speaking tips, techniques & practice.


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Do I have to speak at The Keynote Club?

We encourage everybody to speak at The Keynote Club but don't worry because it's a really safe and friendly environment. If you're feeling really nervous, message us beforehand or even during the session.

What happens at The Keynote Club?

We begin by asking any new faces to introduce themselves to the group before going into breakout rooms for Quickfire Talks. Designed to get you thinking on the spot, you'll have one minute to answer a question on a given theme. Once everybody's had their turn, we come back together for the Education Talk.

The Education Talk is a 5 minute talk from a member on anything public speaking related so be prepared to take notes! Next up it's the Main Talk which can be on any topic at all (we've had everything from pizza to pitches)

Do I have to come to every session?

Not at all. You can come to as many or as few Keynote Club sessions as you want to, just make sure you sign up beforehand.

The Keynote Club takes place every other Thursday between 12pm and 1pm.

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